Threat Landscape

Reasons / Motives for Attacks

  • Disrupting business continuity
  • Damaging reputation of the target
  • Information theft
  • Espionage
  • Manipulating data
  • Public Attention
  • Terrorism
  • Commercial Intentions
  • Personal Satisfaction
  • Revenge

Phases of a Network Attack

Phase Description
Spy First, an attacker learns about his target using publicly accessible information, then performs active scans against the network and systems to determine its vulnerabilities.
Penetration In the next step the attacker tries to exploit one or more identified vulnerbilities to gain a foodhold into the network and systems.
Elevation of Privileges After having access to a system, the attacker tries to elevate his privileges to gain administrative or system privileges.
Attack Here the attacker tries to do his malicious steps by stealing data, change information, etc.
Covering Tracks After a successful attack the attacker tries to cover his tracks so his actions and identity cannot be traced back.

Types of Attackers

Term Description
Hacker Three main types of Hackers: Black Hat (Bad Guy, illegal actions, malicious intentions), Grey Hat (sometimes good, sometimes evil - depending on situation), White Hat (Good Guy, acts legal and ethical)
Script Kiddie Mainly younger computer freaks with less nowledge about computer systems and networks. Only use programs and exploits created by others.
Spy Acts on behalf of companies and governments. Mainly interested in company secrets.
Tracker Hacks systems to utilize their computing power and bandwith to upload and offer pirated software, movies, etc.
Consulter Uses his knowledge to support companies by identifying their vulnerabilities and offers solutions for remediation. (White Hat)
Cracker Breaks copy protection of software and multimedia and creates Serial Number Generatiors (KeyGens) to distribute them over the internet.
Spammer Hacks computer systems to utilize them as Mail Relays to distribute their Spam campaigns

Attack Vectors

Attack Vector Description
Cloud Computing Threats Cloud computing stores and processes sensitive data of organizations and clients.
Advanced Persistent Threats A complex, targeted and effective attack on corporations. Focus on stealing information from the victims machine.
Viruses and Worms Most prevalent networking threat. Capable of infecting a network within seconds.
Mobile Threats Mobile devices are increasingly used for business and personal use and often have lesser security controls.
Botnet A network of compromised computers abused to perform various network attacks.
Insider Attack Attack performed by an entrusted person who has authorized access to a network or system.

Types of Security Threats

Threat Description Example
Spoofing Pretending false identities Faking of IP Addresses or Emails
Tampering Falsification of information / data Changing of data during a transmission or of a file.
Repudiation Denying of actions Deleting a file and denying the action.
Information Disclosure Access to information that should not be publicy accessible Disclosure of information like Core Dumps, Code, Error Logs, etc.
Denial of Service Make a service unresponsive Flooding a web service with so much data that the webserver is no longer able to deliver web content
Elevation of Privileges Getting more permissions than allowed Utilization of Buffer Overflows to get system privileges

Threat Categories

Network Threats

  • Information Gathering
  • Sniffing and Eavesdropping
  • Spoofing
  • Session Hijacking and Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MitM)
  • DNS and ARP Poisoning
  • Password-based attacks
  • Denial-of-Service attacks
  • Compromised-key attacks
  • Firewall anf IDS attacks

Host Threats

  • Malware attacks
  • Footprinting
  • Password attacks
  • Denial-of-Service attacks
  • Arbitrary code execution
  • Unautorized attacks
  • Privilege escalation
  • Backdoor attacks
  • Physical security threats

Application Threats

  • Improper data / input validation
  • Authentication and Authorization attacks
  • Security misconfiguration
  • Information disclosure
  • Broken session management
  • Buffer Overflow issues
  • Cryptography attacks
  • SQL Injection
  • improper error handling and exception management

Security Reports

Name Link
Secunia Vulnerability Review
Micrsoft Security Intelligence Report
BSI Lageberichte der IT-Sicherheit (german)
Internet Crime Current Report
Data Breach Investigations Report



Site Link
Trustwave - Malware Statistics

Software Usage

Site Link


Site Link
Spamhaus - Top 10 Worst
Trustwave - Spam Statistics

Current Attacks

Name Link
Zone-H (Overview of current webattacks) [ongoing] \ [finished]

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