Company Intelligence

Information Can be used for...
Locations and Addresses General understanding of a companys geographical layout. Targets for physical engagements.
Phone Numbers Ranges War Dialing
Business Areas General understanding of a companys business and to identify business processes.
Products / Portfolio Targets for exfiltration (digital assets) or for Social Engineering
Organigram Knowledge about a companys personal structure and allocate VIPs as targets for Social Engineering
Employees and contact information Targets for Social Engineering
Technologies (Systems / Software) Allocating vulnerabilities and weak points to attack during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phase.
(Security-) Policies Get an understanding of a companys security posture and find weak spots tu utilize during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phase.
Events Physical engagements and Social Engineering

Personal Information

Information Can be used for...
Names and Contact information Social Engineering
Usernames and Passwords Gaining Access phase.
Family and Pents Social Engineering
Interests and Hobby Social Engineering

Network Information

Type Used for...
Domain- and Hostnames Targets for Scanning and Enumeration phase. Attack Surface during Gaining Access phase.
IP-Blocks and -Addresses Targets for Scanning and Enumeration phase. Attack Surface during Gaining Access phase.
Routing Information Communication Paths through the target network and allocating network devices for Scanning and Enumeration and Gaining Access phase.
System Types (Routers, Firewalls,Servers,...) Target information for Gaining Access phase.
Remote Access Services Targets for Scanning and Enumeration phase. Attack Surface during Gaining Access phase.

System Information

Type Used for...
Operating System and Patch Versions Identification of target environment. Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.
Ports and Services Targets for Scanning and Enumeration phase. Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.
Applications and Software Versions Targets for Scanning and Enumeration phase. Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.
Authentication Mechanisms Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.
Access Control Lists (ACL) Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.
Encryption (Types and Algorithms) Detection of vulnerabilities and exploits during Gaining Access and Maintaining Access phases.

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