Types of Penetration Tests

Type Description
Blackbox Simulates method of an external attacker; no knowledge about the target environment; extensive and time-consuming
Graybox Used in software development environments; execution of software tests with help of test-driven programming; uses aspects of Black- and Whitebox testing
Whitebox Simulates attacks of an (former) employee; extensive knowledge about target environment; uses internal resources (e.g. documentations, policies, etc.)

Intensities of Penetration Tests

Level of Intensity Description
Passive Information on vulnarabilities are only documented. Sniffing of data is allowed.
Careful Exploitation of found vulnerabilities is only done if it can be asured that the target system or environment will not be harmed.
Evaluating Identified vulnerabilities are exploited against pre-defined systems. Before running an attack against a vulnerable system, the penster has to evaluate sucess and possible consequences.
Aggressive Identified vulnerabilities are exploited in every possible way. Crashing of any system (even those that are not a direct target) is an excepted situation.

Extends of Penetration Tests

Note: The first Penetration Test should always be a complete one.

Extend Description
Specific From the very beginning it is defined which systems and components will be tested. Mostly used to test newly added systems in an enviroment where a complete Penetration Test has already been performed.
Limited Usually includes several systems of the same type (e.g. Database Servers, Web Servers, etc.)
Complete Includes the whole IT-Infrastructure including all IT-Systems and IT-Components. Excluded are sysems that are hosted externally and / or by 3rd parties and need dedicated approvals.

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